Easing Menopause Symptoms with Working Out

Easing Menopause Symptoms with Working Out

Menopause is a natural transition in life that many women are familiar with. It can bring on some uncomfortable symptoms, but the good news is there are ways to ease these symptoms by working out during menopause. First, it’s important to get the right kind of workout for your body.

Many women notice a change in their workouts and exercise routines during menopause.  Whether you feel hot flashes, mood swings, or nausea during the menopause cycle, all of these symptoms will affect your workout. In order to be able to continue with a healthy lifestyle, it is important that you find ways to work around these symptoms or changes.

The human body is a complicated and complex system that operates on a deep cellular level. It is these cells that also form the reproductive system in both males and females.


Menopause is a perfectly natural part of a woman’s life cycle and signals the cessation of menses, the end of the menstrual cycle. Many changes occur rapidly to the female reproductive system and this process should not be interrupted.

Premenopause is when a woman’s hormone balance can begin to change at an earlier age than expected. This hormone balance can be connected to stress levels, nutrition, and daily environmental factors. When undergoing these changes women can experience weight gain, water retention, and mood swings, but this is highly individual from one female to the next.

There may be symptoms of estrogen dominance caused mainly by lack of ovulation and thereby lack of progesterone.

Birth Control

Menopause affects every woman differently. Some women experience mild symptoms that pass quickly. Others experience an explosion of hot flashes and mood swings. Every woman experiences menopause differently. For some, the symptoms are mild and pass quickly. You can make lifestyle changes to cope with the changes occurring within your body. 

Why exercise is important

Exercise is not proven to reduce menopause symptoms, but it can help relieve stress and enhance the quality of life during this time.

Weight gain and muscle loss, two frequent symptoms of menopause, can also be prevented with regular exercise.


Aerobic activity that makes use of your large muscle groups while keeping up your heart rate is a good thing. Your options for cardio are limitless. Almost any activity counts, for example:

Strength training

Due to the increased risk of osteoporosis following menopause (estrogen must be present to support bone formation), strength training is crucial. Exercises that build bone and muscle strength, burn fat, and rev up your metabolism are all benefits of strength training.

Use dumbbells and resistance bands at home. Use weight machines or free weights in the gym. Choose a level that is heavy enough to tax your muscles in 8 -12 repetitions and then progress from there.

Yoga and meditation

Because no two women experience menopause in the same way, your unique symptoms will determine your approach to relief. Find a relaxation technique that works for you - whether it's deep breathing, yoga, or meditation.

Yoga poses that are supported and restorative may offer some relief. They may help calm your nerves by centering your mind. You may also benefit from them if you suffer from:

Get creative

Exercise is important, but don't forget to exercise your creativity as well! This is the perfect time to indulge in artistic pursuits. Participate in a painting course or something out of the box to gain satisfaction from engaging in a creative activity. A creative outlet will also help take your mind off annoying symptoms.

Stay motivated

After menopause, women are at greater risk of developing a variety of medical conditions, including breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce these risks.

You can take the following steps to manage some menopausal symptoms physically:

The Bottom Line:

Menopause is difficult for many women, but exercise can help. Menopause brings on hot flashes, insomnia, loss of appetite, and mood changes. These symptoms happen to be the same ones that suffer from when someone loses weight too quickly or exercises too strenuously without properly fueling their body. When a woman's hormones are unbalanced it can cause these symptoms to worsen because estrogen levels drop dramatically during menopause.

I'm glad I'm not a woman🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Menopause is a natural process that every woman faces, but the symptoms of menopause can be uncomfortable and debilitating, especially for those who are overweight. The best diet for menopause is one low in fat and sugar, but high in protein and calcium. This resource will help you stay on track with your healthy eating choices during your transition to middle age. https://link.youb.fit/Diet-and-menopause-q

Another #youbfitip 😀
