What is the best diet for menopause?

What is the best diet for menopause?

The Mediterranean diet, popular in Greece and Italy,  is a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, fish, and olive oil. The Mediterranean diet includes rare red meat consumption, which helps to reduce saturated fat. The plant proteins (such as walnuts) increase antioxidants. 

The Mediterranean diet is excellent for heart health, blood pressure, brain health, and weight loss. And, it just so happens it may decrease menopausal symptoms, too.

The traditional Mediterranean diet is void of processed foods like refined carbohydrates and integrates healthy fats. Both of these characteristics are excellent for women going through menopause because it is naturally anti-inflammatory and loaded with beneficial nutrients.

13 foods to eat during menopause

A menopause diet plan involves a few key steps:

  1. Eat a well-rounded diet rich in calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. Increase your consumption of fruits, greens, colorful vegetables, and dairy products—such as yogurt, cheese, and milk. The decline in estrogen as women go through menopause obviously increases their risk for certain things like osteoporosis, so getting foods rich in calcium is very important. 

2. Consume omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s can decrease the frequency of hot flashes and the intensity of night sweats. There are times when you can supplement omega-3s, but try to get it through your foods which include fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, and vegetarian sources like flax seeds and chia seeds.

3. Add foods containing plant estrogens or phytoestrogens. Broccoli, cauliflower, dark berries, chickpeas, and soybeans can help mimic estrogen and reduce some menopausal symptoms.   

The following foods can help strengthen bones and relieve menopause symptoms:

  1. Dark green leafy vegetables, especially spinach and kale
  2. Yogurt
  3. Cheese
  4. Milk
  5. Fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna
  6. Flax and chia seeds
  7. Broccoli and cauliflower
  8. Blueberries and other dark berries
  9. Grapes
  10. Dark fruits like plums
  11. Black tea
  12. Chickpeas and other legumes
  13. Soybeans or foods like tofu, tempeh, and soy milk 
If you find you can’t take in enough of these nutrients through a healthy diet alone, a calcium and magnesium supplement may be beneficial. 

4 types of foods that can make menopause worse

Diet can impact a woman’s menopause symptoms in both a positive and negative way.  Eliminating, or cutting back on, the following things can help improve how you feel. 

  1. Processed foods: The rule of thumb is to eat as close to the natural state as possible. If it comes in a bag or plastic wrapper, try to avoid those kinds of foods because most likely those are very processed foods.
  2. Refined carbohydrates: For instance, white rice, pasta, and potatoes, are linked to spikes in blood sugar and an increase in insulin resistance and hot flashes. Instead, opt for whole grains such as brown rice. Cut back on sugary foods like cookies, cakes, and candy.
  3. Alcohol: It can exacerbate menopausal symptoms. If you’re drinking more than one alcoholic beverage a day more than five ounces of wine or 12 ounces of beer that can not only make hot flashes worse but make you prone to the mood swings and irritability that can happen with menopause.
  4. Spicy foods: They aren’t necessarily bad for you, but they can bring on hot flashes for some, so women may try cutting back on spicy foods if they notice worsening symptoms after eating them.

Dealing with weight gain during menopause

When estrogen levels decline in midlife, many women may have weight gain, despite no change in their day-to-day habits. During menopause, you have to be that much more careful of what you’re eating and drinking.

Some tips for managing body weight during menopause include:

If you’re not taking care of yourself, if you’re not eating properly, sleeping properly, you’re stressed out, then your cortisol levels will be higher, and your menopausal symptoms, including weight gain, may be worse. Prioritizing a healthy lifestyle can help to eliminate some of the negative parts of your menopause experience.

Many women are familiar with menopause, which is a natural transition in life. While menopause can bring on some uncomfortable symptoms, the good news is that you can ease these symptoms by working out. The first step is to find the right kind of workout for your body. You will find tips for staying active during menopause in this resource.  https://link.youb.fit/menopause-and-exercise-q
